WCW Saturday Night Report - April 15, 2000
Announcers: Terry Taylor and Larry Zybsco
6:05pm - 8:05pm EST - Channel TBS

Terry Taylor and Larry Zybsco discuss how well Nitro was put and the excitement backstage.

A clip of the opening segment of Nitro is shown. Nearly the entire roster is out surrounding the ring. Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff stripped all previous WCW champions of their belts. The new champions will be decided tomorrow at Spring Stampede.

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Taylor and Zybsco discuss the WCW Heavyweight title tournament that went on during Nitro.

Diamond Dallas Page w/ Kimberly Vs. Lex Luger w/ Elizabeth
Halfway through the match up, Buff Bagwell came down to the ring. He began to flirt with Kimberly, but then moved over to Liz. Lex Luger became distracted by this and tried to stop Buff from hitting on his valet. Page gathered his composure and then hit the Diamond Cutter on Luger, followed by a victorious pin fall.
Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

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Terry Taylor and Larry Zybsco discuss Eric Bischoff’s success in WCW before. Larry makes a point, there wouldn’t be an Eric Bischoff if it weren’t for the Hulk Hogan’s, Sting’s, Page’s.

A clip from Nitro is shown. Kidman states that he is sick and tired of being held back and that he is taking a stand. He then calls Hulk Hogan out. Hogan comes out in street clothes. A small verbal confrontation turns into a heated battle. Eric Bischoff then comes down and hits Hulk Hogan with a steel chair. It then continued in the back stage area as Hogan demanded his attorney to get a match signed between him and Kidman. A Hummer vehicle then crashed into Hogan’s limousine repeatedly.

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Mike Tenay joins Saturday Night as Larry Zybsco leaves. Mike Tenay and Terry Taylor plug WCW Spring Stampede, which airs tomorrow on Pay-Per-View.

A clip from the opening segment of Nitro is aired once again. Russo puts down Ric Flair. Flair is then shown getting out of his limousine. We takes a look at the interview and then comes down to the ring after the commercial. Flair then made his way out to the ring for an interview. He was interrupted by Scott Stiener who put down Flair and his ability. Shane Douglas then got into the mix, Flair challenged him to a match.

Shane Douglas Vs. Ric Flair
Both men wrestled in street clothes. As the match was nearing the end, Vince Russo came down to the ring with a baseball bat. Douglas and Russo then pummeled Flair with the bat and their fists. They left together as Ric Flair lay in the ring unconscious.
Winner via Disqualification: Ric Flair

Sting Vs. Sid Vicious
While the referee was down, Sid hit the power bomb on Sting, but the Wall came down and hit Sid with a chair. He then took Sid to the outside and choke slammed him through a ringside table. Security came down and ushered Wall to the back. The referee awoke and called for the bell declaring Sting the victor.
Winner via Count Out: Sting

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Jeff Jarrett Vs. Curt Hennig
During the match, Shawn Stasiak came down to the ring with Curt Hennig’s "Mr Perfect" theme music from his old days in the WWF. While the referee was out, Stasiak came in and pummeled Hennig. Stasiak then left, Jarrett awoke and hit the Stroke on Hennig. The referee awoke as well and counted the pin fall.
Winner: Jeff Jarret

Sting Vs. Diamond Dallas Page w/ Kimberly
Diamond Dallas Page hit the Diamond Cutter to defeat Sting. Kimberly climbed into ring to celebrate the victory with Page, but Jeff Jarrett came into the ring with his guitar. He wound up to hit Page, Page ducked and Jarrett broke the guitar over Kimberly’s head.
Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

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Jeff Jarrett Interview - Nitro April 10/2000
Jeff Jarret was having an interview when Diamond Dallas Page came out. Scott Stiener came running out to help Jarrett. Jarrett and Stiener beat on Page, until Luger came out to save DDP. The entire ring then filled up with members of the New Bloods and Millionaire’s Club.

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Clips of the Ready to Rumble Premiere are shown. Some of the personalities that were there were Diamond Dallas Page, Kimberly, Mike Tenay, Tony Shiavone, Sting, Wall, Hulk Hogan, Vampiro, Kidman, Torrie Wilson and even former WWF Women’s champion Rena Mero (Sable).

Clips of the opening segment from Thunder are shown. Bischoff gave Page the night off, but declared that Page’s wife, Kimberly would wrestle in a match later on that night. Bischoff made a comment about Kimberly and what outfit she would wear for her match. Page didn’t take a liking to it and began coming to the ring to beat Bischoff. Half way down the aisle Bam Bam Bigelow jumped Page and pummeled him. The rest of the Millionaire’s Club came into the ring, a huge battle broke out between the two factions.

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Shannon Moore, Lash Leroux and Crowbar w/ Daffney and David Flair Vs. Chris Candido, Juventud Guerrera and Artist /w Paisely
Halfway through the match, Daffney executed a frankenstiener off the top rope on Shane Helms. The ending came when Artist and Chris Candido could not decided who would pin Crowbar. Candido hit a top rope diving head butt and followed it up by a pin attempt, Artist broke it up and then executed his DDT finisher on Chris Candido, his tag partner. Crowbar hit a front slam on Candido and then covered him for the pin fall.
Winner: Crowbar, Lash Leroux and Shannon Moore

Norman Smiley / Terry Funk Vs. Meng / Hugh Morrus Vs. Fit Finlay / Brian Knobbs
While Fit Finlay and Dustin Rhodes were setting up a table on the outside, Norman Smiley rolled into the ring and pinned his partner Terry Funk. Terry Funk will now face Norman Smiley in a Hard Core title match. Whoever wins will become the new WCW Hard Core champion.

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Harlem Heat 2000 Vs. Sid Vicious
Booker T came down and saved Sid from Harlem Heat’s double teaming. Sid won the match, but Eric Bischoff came down and reversed the decision, not allowing Sid to participate in the US title tournament.
Winners via Disqualification: Harlem Heat 2000

3 Villianos Vs. Sting
Sting easily pins the first two Villiano’s but the third rushes Sting sending him into the referee. With the referee out the third Villiano climbs out of the ring. He finds the Silver Guitar underneath the ring, he rolls back in and hits Sting with it. The Villiano then removes the mask to show his identity, it’s Jeff Jarrett. DDP comes into the ring from nowhere, turns Jarrett around and hits a Diamond Cutter. DDP rolls Sting onto Jarrett, revives the referee who counts the pin fall.
Winner: Sting

Colorado Collision
Most of the New Blood members fought in this. Each minute a new wrestler came down. The ending came when Sting charged the ring, hit the Scorpion Death Drop and then rolled back out. Scott Stiener put on the Stiener Recliner for the submission victory.
Winner via Submission: Scott Stiener

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Jimmy Hart Interview - Thunder April 12/2000
Throughout Thunder, Jimmy Hart tried to speak with Eric Bischoff. He finally caught up with him, but Bischoff brushed him off. Jimmy then went out to the ring to do an interview. Jimmy Hart wants answers. He want to know the motive behind Eric Bischoff’s actions of late. Kidman and Eric Bischoff come out and pummel Jimmy Hart to unconsciousness.

Buff Bagwell Vs. Ric Flair
Vince Russo came over the guard rail with a baseball bat. Shane Douglas the came out as Vince Russo, Shane Douglas and Buff Bagwell all beat on Lex Luger and Ric Flair.
Winner via Disqualification: Ric Flair

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Larry Zybsco and Terry Taylor discuss how Kimberly show quite a bit of confidence for stepping in the ring with such a fearsome opponent in Madusa.

Madusa Vs. Kimberly
Madusa kicks Kim down and then screams at her "Why do you want to wrestle me?!". Madusa then takes Kimberly into the center of the ring and begins to rub her face on the mat. DDP comes running out and breaks up Madusa and Kimberly. Madusa then kicks DDP several times in the stomach, DDP grabs a hold of Madusa and hits her with a Diamond Cutter. Kimberly leaves the ring with Page looking upset.
No Contest

Diamond Dallas Page w/ Kimberly Vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Page had the match won the but the original referee was knocked out. Eric Bischoff came in and counted 2, but stopped the count. DDP went after Bischoff but Jeff Jarrett rushed in and nailed him with a guitar. David Arquette of the WCW Movie Ready to Rumble cam in and tried to help DDP but Jarrett hits the stroke on him. Chris Kanyon came running in and knocked out Jarrett. Bischoff grabbed a chair and nails Kanyon. David Arquette, Chris Kanyon and DDP are all out cold. Everyone from the New Blood group come out to celebrate.
No Contest