The Sting Fan Site*** Last Updated 3/21/2000

Sting and Vampiro Together at last!!!
Sting and Vampiro formed an Allegiance at Uncensored!

Stay Stung

January 3, 2000 Monday Nitro: Lex Luger mocked Sting, but as Lex was leaving he was confronted by a crow.

January 10, 2000 Monday Nitro: Luger's interview is inturupted by smoke and the lights go out and black rose peddles were scattered across the Ring.

January 24, 2000 Monday Nitro: the lights went out after a Lex Luger match, when they came back on Sting stood in the smoke filled entryway and pointed a baseball bat at Luger.

February 2, 2000 Thunder: "Sting" made an appearance , during a Hulk Hogan and Lex Luger confrontation, and took a wig off and waved it at Luger.

February 11, 2000 In Germany:
Sting made a Run-In to save Sid Vicious from Jeff Jarrett's Guitar Shot, and Helped him retain the Title(Black and white Make-Up but Red and Black Uniform)

February 12, 2000 In Germany:
Sting made a Run-In to save Sid Vicious from Jeff Jarrett's Guitar Shot, and Helped him retain the Title(Black and white attire and Paint)

February 13, 2000 In Germany:
Sting again made a Run-In to save Sid Vicious from Jeff Jarrett's Guitar Shot, and Helped him retain the Title afterwards he shook his hand(Black and White Sting)

February 20, 2000 Super Brawl 2000:
Sting made a Run-In to save Hulk Hogan from Ric Flair and Lex Luger.

February 28, 2000 Monday Nitro:
Sting made a Run-In to save Buff Bagwell from Ric Flair and Lex Luger.

March 2, 2000 Thunder:
Sting told Lex Luger that he was going to beat him once and for all at UnCensored.

March 13, 2000 Nitro:
Sting ran in along with Sid and Vampiro to save Hulk Hogan From Flair and Luger.

March 19, 2000 Uncensored:
Sting Beat Lex Luger in a Lumber Jack Cast Match, when Vampiro hit Luger in the Back with the bat and Sting delivered the Scorpion Death Drop, Post match he and Vampiro form a bond.

March 20, 2000 Nitro:
Sting Beat Ric Flair with the Scorpion Death Lock, afterwards he and Vampiro fought off Team Package.

My First Sting Web Page

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Sting's career!
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