WCW Mayhem
Sunday, November 26, 2000
Live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Announcers: Tony Schiavone, Stevie Ray, and Mark Madden

The show opens up from earlier today with Booker T arriving to the arena and being swamped by fans for autographs.

Scott Steiner is shown arriving to the arena and signing in with security. Steiner threatens the security guys with his lead pipe.

WCW Cruiserweight Title Match
Mike Sanders vs. Kwee Wee (w/Paisley)

Match starts off with a thex press by Kwee Wee. Kwee Wee clotheslines Sanders out of the ring. The Thrillers come out to watch. Jindrak clotheslines Kwee Wee while Sanders distracts the referee. O'Haire clotheslines Kwee Wee on the outside. Jindrak and O'Haire throw Kwee Wee back into the ring right into a powerslam from Sanders. Meng comes out to ringside and assualts the Thrillers. The Thrillers beat on Meng while he has the tonga death grip on two of them. Ric Flair comes out with security to make the Thrillers and Meng leave. Sanders chokes Kwee Wee on the ropes. Sanders kicks Kwee Wee in the ribs. Springboard sunset flip by Kwee Wee for a two count. Clothesline by Sanders for a two count. Kwee Wee with a belly to back suplex. Running knee lift by Kwee Wee. Kwee Wee backs Sanders into the corner for then shots to the head. Kwee Wee drops Sanders over the ropes. Sanders with a huricanrana on the outside. Paisley does a handspring into a back elbow on Sanders. Sanders hits his move, the 3.0, for the pin.
Winner: Mike Sanders

Gene Okerlund interviews Ric Flair in the back. Flair says unless you are involved in the bout you are not allowed on the floor. Managers and valets are excluded.

Disco pays Kronik off backstage but only has enough money for 7 minutes and 30 seconds.

Gene Okerlund interviews Noble and Karagias backstage. Noble discovers that Karagias used to date his sister and cheat on her, from a story that Karagias was telling.

Crowbar is shown backstage in his dressing room. Someone has sent him flowers with a card on it that read "good luck in your match tonight and I will be watching".

Three Count come to the ring for their match. Helms gets on the mic and says Karagias has a small penis.

Jaime Knoble and Evan Karagias vs. 3-Count vs. Jung Dragons (w/Leia Meow)
Match starts off on in the entrance aisle. Jung Dragons hit double back body drops on Three Count out of the ring. Evan powerslams Kaz. Evan with a thez press on Helms. Moore with a spinning heel kick on Noble for a two count. Noble powerbombs Moore. Kaz with a springboard heel kick on Moore. Kaz with a tilt a whirl backbreaker on Moore. Moore hits the fameasser on Kaz. Kaz kicks Helms in the head. Yang thrust punches Moore. Yang with a standing dropkick on Noble. Moore with a sleeper drop on Yang for a two count. Kaz with a brainbuster on Evan. Noble piledrives Kaz. Moore flies out of the ring on Yang. Evan flies out on Moore. Kaz flies out on Evan. Noble dives off the turnbuckle to the outside on Moore. Leia goes up top and dives to the outside on everyone. Noble gets a ladder from under the ring. Moore kicks the ladder in Evan's face. Yang ddt's Moore. Three Count hit their version of the swinging 3D on Kaz for the pin
Winners: Three Count

Pamela Paulshock interviews Boogie Knights and Kronik in the back.

Mike Awesome is shown laid out in the back. A-Wall comes to help out Awesome.

Gene Okerlund interviews Jimmy Hart backstage.

The Thrillers are shown backstage. Reno says he does not need help in his match tonight against Crowbar and Big Vito.

Special Attraction
Jimmy Hart vs. Mancow

Mancow gets on the mic before the match and said Flair told him he did not mind if Mancow's Morning Madhouse were at ringside with him. Mancow takes a few shots at Madden. Jimmy Hart comes to the ring on crutches. Hart gets on the mic and starts sucking up to Mancow, saying he can't wrestle. Mancow spits in his hand. Hart hits Mancow with the crutch. Mancow's guys attack Hart. Three Count come out and help Hart. Three Count drag Mancow's guys to the back. Mancow works on Hart's injured leg and takes his cast off. Mancow hits Hart with the cast for the pin.
Winner: Mancow

MIA are shown in the back talking. Ric Flair comes in and says he has to speak privately with A-Wall.

Pamela Paulshock interviews Filthy Animals in the back. Mysterio says Konnan is not here because he went to a party last night and hooked up with two girls.

WCW Hardcore Title Match
Crowbar vs. Reno vs. Big Vito

Match starts off with Vito and Reno before Crowbar gets to the ring. Crowbar comes out and hits Reno with a trash can lid. Vito throws Crowbar out of the ring on Reno. Vito follows out and hits Crowbar and Reno with a kendo stick. Vito puts a traffic cone between Reno's legs and hits it with a bat. Vito hits a trash can lid on Crowbar's crotch. Reno lays Crowbar and Vito out with a trash can lid. Crowbar chokes Reno with the kendo stick. Reno and Crowbar double team Vito. Reno hits Crowbar and Vito with the baseball bat. Reno drags Vito to the back. Crowbar follows them back and hits Reno in the head with a trash can. Reno powerslams Vito through a table. Marie shows up and stops Reno from hitting Vito. Crowbar hits Reno in the face with a chair for the pin.
Winner: Crowbar

DDP and Nash are shown backstage talking.

Gene Okerlund interviews The Cat and Miss Jones backstage. Cat says if he loses he will kiss Douglas' feet and leave the country for 30 days. Okerlund tells Miss Jones he could rock her world.

Kronik and Alex Wright (w/Disco) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr and Kidman (w/Tygress)
Tygress joins the announce table. Match starts off with Adams dropping Kidman to the mat. Kidman with a huricanrana on Adams. Adams press slams Kidman. Kidman with a sleeper on Adams. Adams counters with a full nelson slam. Alex dropkicks Kidman into the corner. Clark kicks Rey down in the corner. Rey bulldogs Clark. Clark one hand chokeslams Rey. Clark with a sit-down powerbomb on Rey. Alex with a vertical suplex on Rey for a two count. Rey walks into a big boot from Adams. Alex chops Rey in the corner. Kronik says their time is up and they leave. Animals double team Alex. Rey hits the bronco buster on Alex. Kidman short powerbombs Alex. Rey goes up top and hits the nutcracker suite on Alex for the pin.
Winners: Filthy Animals

Gene Okerlund interviews Scott Steiner and Midajah backstage.

The Cat (w/Miss Jones) vs. The Franchise (w/Torrie Wilson)
Cat charges the ring and kicks Douglas out. Miss Jones kicks Douglas in the head. Cat attacks Mark Madden. Back in the ring Douglas drapes Cat over the ropes. Torrie chokes Cat on the ropes. Douglas applies a neck vice on Cat. Cat punches Douglas in the corner. Douglas with a butterfly suplex on Cat. Cat dances and drops an elbow on Douglas for a two count. Cat hits the feeliner, makes a slow pin attempt for a two count. Miss Jones and Torrie enter the ring and start fighting. The referee orders them out of the ring. Douglas punches Cat with the chain but Cat got his foot on the rope. Douglas clotheslines Cat. Cat blocks a ddt. Miss Jones puts the red shoe on Cat's foot. Feeliner with the red shoe on Douglas for the pin. After the match Miss Jones puts the other red show on Cat's feet and he starts dancing.
Winner: The Cat

Jeff Jarrett is shown backstage asking people who tore up his guitar.

Pamela Paulshock interviews MIA in the back.

A promo is shown on the screen for Glacier, says he is returning. Flashbacks to the first time he debuted.

Bam Bam Bigelow comes to the ring and says Mike Awesome has been sent to the hospital, he has no opponent, and declares himself the winner. Ric Flair comes out. Flair says Bigelow is wrestling tonight and he is wrestling A-Wall.

A-Wall vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Match starts off with Awall biting Bigelow. Bigelow with a samoan drop for a two count. Bigelow walks into a big foot. Awall hits a top rope clothesline for a two count. Bigelow ddt's Awall. Bigelow goes up top and misses the diving headbutt. Awall punches Bigelow in the chest to the mat. Awall brings a table in the ring. Awall with a spinebuster. Greetings from Ashbury Park on Awall for the pin. After the match Bigelow is laid out in the ring. The referee calls for EMT's to come check on Bigelow.
Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow

Gene Okerlund interviews Buff Bagwell in the back.

EMT's are still in the ring checking on Bigelow. They say he is dizzy and having trouble breating. They fit him with a cervical collar.

WCW Canadian/United States Title Match
Lance Storm (w/Major Gunns) vs. General Rection

Major Gunns wears a new red leather bikini outfit on without the maple leafs. Storm works the mic before the match. EMT's finally stretcher Bigelow out during Rection's entrance. Bigelow jumps off the stretcher and attacks Rection. It was all a set-up. Officials make Bigelow leave. Match starts off with Storm throwing Rection into the ring steps. Storm works on rection's leg. Storm wraps Rection's leg around the ring post. Storm dropkicks rection in the leg. Storm tries to lock on the mapleleaf but rection makes it to the ropes. Rection crotches Storm around the ring post. Major Gunns trips up Rection. Storm with a suplex for a two count. Storm superkicks Rection. Rection with a powerslam. Rection goes up top but Major Gunn crotches him on the turnbuckles. Rection gets to his feet up top and hits the no laughing matter moonsault for the pin.
Winner and new US Heavyweight Champion: General Rection

Sanders is shown backstage telling Doug Dellinger to send home the security team.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Buff Bagwell
Match starts off with Buff shoving JJ down in the corner. Buff hits the swinging neckbreaker. Buff hiptosses JJ out of the ring. Buff chokes JJ with the TV cable. JJ hits Buff with a chair. JJ goes up top and comes off with a punch to Buff's throat. JJ puts a sleeper on Buff. JJ with a belly to back suplex. Buff with a clothesline. Double arm ddt by Buff. Buff goes up top and misses the blockbuster when JJ ducks. JJ walks into a big boot. Buff goes up top and hits a tornado ddt for a two count. JJ takes the ref out by accident with a slide. David Flair comes in the ring and ddt's JJ on a chair. Buff goes up top and hits a crossbody, JJ rolls through and gets a two count. Invertded ddt by Buff for a two count. JJ misses a crossbody and rolls out of the ring. JJ grabs his guitar and hits Buff in the shoulder with it for the pin.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett

WCW Tag Team Title Match
The Perfect Event vs. Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

Sanders joins the announce table and says he has a plan. Jindrak, O'Haire, and Reno come out before the match acting as security. Match starts off with Palumbo sneaking out of a powerbomb from Nash. Palumbo punches Nash in the corner. Nash with a running clothesline on Palumbo. Nash drops Palumbo face first on the turnbuckle. Nash and DDP clear the ring and hold off Sanders' security from entering. Ric Flair and Doug Dellinger, with the real security, come out and order Jindrak, O'Haire, and Reno to the back. Sanders is allowed to stay because he showed Ric Flair an official WCW manager card. DDP clotheslines Stasiak. Stasiak ddt's DDP for a two count. Stasiak with a swinging neckbreaker on DDP. Palumbo and Stasiak hit a double slingshot suplex on DDP for a two count. DDP clotheslines Palumbo. Palumbo superkicks DDP. DDP sunset flips Stasiak and in the process pulls his pants half way down. Stasiak with a jumping back elbow on DDP for a two count. Palumbo comes off the top with a clothesline on DDP. Stasiak and Palumbo pull DDP's legs apart. DDP makes a tag to Nash but the referee does not see it and oders Nash back out. Palumbo puts a sleeper on DDP. Nash tagged in and cleans house. Nash with a big boot to Stasiak. Nash lowers his strap and jack knife powerbombs Palumbo at the same time DDP gives the diamond cutter to Stasiak. Sanders pulls the ref out. DDP gives the diamond cutter to Sanders. Referee quickly comes back in and Nash pins Palumbo from the powerbomb.
Winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions: Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page

Pamela Paulshock interviews Lex Luger in the back.

Lex Luger vs. Goldberg
Match starts off with Goldberg twisting Luger's arm. Luger suplexes Goldberg, Goldberg no sells. Luger clotheslines Goldberg. Luger kicks Goldberg down in the corner. Goldberg fights back and punches Luger in the corner. Luger clotheslines Goldberg out of the ring. Goldberg pancake slams Luger and punches him in the face. Goldberg spears the refereee and Luger. Goldberg jackhammers Luger for the pin.
Winner: Goldberg

WCW Heavyweight Title Match: Caged Heat with Straightjacket
Booker T vs. Scott Steiner (w/Midajah)

Match starts off with Booker whipping Steiner into the cage on the outside of the ring. Steiner beats Booker down in the corner. Booker with a side kick for a two count. Steiner crotches Booker on the ropes. Steiner clotheslines Booker. Steiner with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Steiner clotheslines Booker and flexes for the fans. Steiner with a superplex for a two count. Booker hits a flying forearm. Booker goes up top and connects with a missile dropkick for a two count. Steiner with a samoan drop on Booker. Steiner goes up top and gets the straight jacket. Booker with the harlem sidekick. Booker gets the straight jacket and puts it on Steiner. Booker brings a chair in the ring and hits Steiner square in the head with it, twice. Steiner rips the arms off of the straight jacket and eventually takes it off. Steiner puts Booker in the steiner recliner. Booker gets out of it and drops Steiner across the ropes. Steiner suplexes Booker. Steiner comes off the top but gets caught in the bookend for a two count. Booker clotheslines Steiner. Swinging neckbreaker by Booker. Axe kick by Booker. Steiner grabs the chair and hits Booker in the head with it. Steiner with a full nelson sit-down slam. Steiner locks on the steiner recliner for the submission win. After the match Steiner attacks Booker's leg with the chair.
Winner and New WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Scott Steiner

End of show..