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WCW Thunder

WCW Thunder Live from the Spirit Arena in Lubbock Texas.

After the opening pyro, Shane McMahon comes out and informs everyone that since Triple H, Bautista and Ric Flair jumped WCW wrestlers after Monday's main event, they are in a breech of their WWE Contracts.  And since Linda McMahon owns those contracts they have a choice to make.  They can either be held responsible and have their WWE Contracts terminated or they can agree to Shane's terms.  And those terms are to accept a match tonight on Thunder pitting the three of them against... Sting, Goldberg and himself.

Match 1: Tag Title Tourney
KroniK  def. Jindrak & O'Haire
Adams and Clarke hit Jindrak with the High Times for the pinfall victory.

Triple H is shown in the back on his cell phone talking to Linda McMahon, he says that this is all B.S. and that he is calling Vince.

Match 2: WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Rey Mysterio def. Juvy Guerrera
Rey hits the 619 for the win.

In the back, Triple H is now talking to Vince.  Vince tells Triple H there isn't anything that he can do.  So just do what he has to do, to win and embarrass WCW.  Triple H says he will, Vince responds with "You had better, or there will be Hell to pay."

Match 3: Tag Title Tourney
The Outsiders def.
Los Guerrero's
Nash hit they Jack Knife on Chavo for the win.

Match 4: WCW Hardcore Championship
Raven def. Lance Storm 
Raven hit the Even Flow DDT.

Backstage Mean Gene interviews United States Champion, Booker T.  Booker T says its good to be back home in WCW and he can't wait to get things back and crackin', where the real stars be wrasslin', now can you dig that?..... Now Can you dig that??? SUCKA!

Match 5: United States Championship
Booker T. Def. Jeff Jarrett by DQ
.Booker had the upper hand in the match but after referee Charles Robinson was knocked out, Jarrett hit Booker with a guitar shot, he then woke up Robinson and covered Booker for the win and we apparently had a new champion, However MICK FOLEY came out to a huge ovation and stated that Shane had appointed him new Commisioner of WCW and his first action as the commish, was to DQ Jeff Jarrett and give the title back to Booker T. Have a nice day!

Goldberg, Sting and Shane McMahon are in the back talking over strategy.  When Shane's phone rings and its Vince McMahon wishing him "the best of luck."

Match 6: Interpromotional 6 Man Tag
Team WCW def. Team WWE
When Goldberg pins Ric Flair.  The match was back and forth with many near falls. Sting and Triple H fight all the way back to the entry way, and Goldberg and Bautista fight just outside the Ring area. Triple H hits Sting in the back with a chair and then makes his way back to the ring area where Flair is holding Shane. Triple H tries
to hit Shane with the chair but he ducks and Triple H hits Flair instead. Shane breaks free and kicks Triple H between the legs as Goldberg spears Bautista on the outside. Goldberg then slides in the Ring and Spears the already groggy Flair, then Jack Hammer's him for the victory.

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THUNDER: The Mid Week Show
WCW Thunder will kick off its new season on Thursday September 23 at 8:00 ET.

Before Monday Nitro... before Thunder... there was a program that gave World Championship Wrestling fans a chance to check out their favorite wrestlers and that program was WCW Saturday Night! This former flagship program will re-debut on September 25, 2004

You saw them on Nitro every week, now you can get reacquainted with the Nitro Girls all over again.
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STING: Moment of Truth
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DDP and Kimberly's official website. Come read about your favorite former WCW and WWE superstar. As well as the beautiful Kimberly.

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